
Microsoft account name change xbox
Microsoft account name change xbox

Learn more about how to close your account. Once your new account is created, you can close your original Skype account if you no longer want that account active, but this will also close your Microsoft account. Created on OctoPossible to change Microsoft Account associated with gamertag I have another gamertag besides the one associated with this account that has all of the rights for my downloaded games but I have another family member who uses the email address associated with that Microsoft account and gamertag. This information is for your records, but you will not be able to import any of your exported information or contacts into your new Skype account.

  • Please make sure to export your Skype files and chat history, as well as your Skype contacts from your Skype account prior to closing.
  • Your new Skype Name will be a string of letters and numbers autogenerated by Skype when your account is created which cannot be modified.
  • There are a few things to keep in mind before you create a new account: If you want a new or different Skype Name, you will need to create a new account.

    microsoft account name change xbox

    Learn more about how to change your Skype Display name. However, you can change your Skype Display Name which is shown in search results along with your Skype Name (unique identifier).

    microsoft account name change xbox

    This is a unique identifier that is used to help others find you in Skype search, which cannot be changed or modified. Your Skype Name is the username that was created when you first joined Skype that may have been autogenerated for you.

    Microsoft account name change xbox